Wild Flowers on Mathraki
Wild Flowers in Abundance
A wide variety of flowers includes the Bee-Orchid. Herbs grow wild and – for fauna – chose between Woodcock, Pheasants, Goats and Tortoises. The hills are studded with tree-branch covered “Hides” from which sharpshooters target indigenous game and migrating birds. The proximate hillsides offer a marvellous panorama across the inside of the island, its clusters of houses, the churches – through Gorse and Pines – to the beaches and harbours below.

C Mageia Ltd KT16 8HY UK - Reg Number 1229 41671
United Kingdom : St John's House - St John's Street - Chichester - PO19 1UU
Greece : Dolphins - 49100 Mathraki Island - Kerkyra